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Blog photo (co.di.pen´.dens) n. [root ME. dependaunce <> Also written co-dependence. The condition or fact of being codependent; specifically, a) tendency to place the needs and wants of others first and to the exclusion of acknowledging one's own, b) continued investment of self-esteem in the ability to control both oneself and others, c) anxiety and boundary distortions relating to intimacy and separation, d) difficulty expressing feelings, e) excessive worry how others may respond to one's feelings, f) undue fear of being hurt and/or rejected by others, g) self-esteem dependent on approval by others, h) tendency to ignore own values and attempt to adhere to the values of others.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I can't explain what happened today, except to say that I became the worst version of myself and terribly selfish!
All I could see was my pain, my fears, my frustrations and my feelings.  Even if I felt wronged, I had no right to become so totally hurtful and, yes, codependent.
I wanted control. I wanted the hurt to stop. I wanted to drain blood from a turnip.
I am hoping that I can be forgiven!
Forgiveness is something that is required of us all, and yet, so difficult to actually feel and do. I wonder at the process of actual forgiveness. Not just saying the words, "I'm sorry," or "I forgive you," but actually feeling the pangs and sting of betryal removed and released from my heart and mind. Have I truly forgiven if I cannot move forward? Have I truly forgiven if I bring up the hurt and betrayal when I'm angry? Have I truly forgiven, if I have not let go of the offense?
I do not believe that forgiveness requires us to continue to live with abuse or pain. I believe that we must forgive, not so much for the transgressors sake, but for ours.
These feelings of doubt and depression, anxiety and fear, are all tools that Satan uses to keep me from being able to forgive and move on in a healthy way.  He wants me to sit and stew and be miserable. He wants me to remember every horrible detail about every horrible event, so that I will feel despair and resentment. 
If I truly forgive someone that has hurt me, or betrayed me, or abused me, then the Adversary should have no room to help create doubt or fear. I would be able to say, "that hurt...a lot. But I have forgiven and I have moved on, and it will not affect my life that way anymore."
On the flip side, when I have asked forgiveness, after hurting someone or committing a wrong against them, it is my responsibility to never intentionally hurt or wrong that person in the same way again.
Why is this hard to do as well? When I know something hurts or it's wrong, why do I justify in my head somehow that it is deserved or warranted? It's crazy! And it's not right! I guess it all goes back to what I said before: That unless there is true remorse, and not just words, then the apology is heartless and insincere. 
I heard somewhere (can't recall now where it was), that instead of hearing or saying "I'm sorry!" It makes the biggest difference to say, "I was wrong! I shouldn't have (action). Next time I feel (emotion), I will not (previous action)."
I hope that all made sense. You'd think too that if I had heard that, and agreed with it, that I would have actually applied it today to my circumstance and prevented further heartache and stupidity.
I honestly don't know if I truly deserve forgiveness today from the person I hurt.  Sadly, it's not the first time I have hurt this person. But, I do know this: I was wrong! No matter what this person has said or done to me, or chosen to do that affects me negatively, I was wrong to act as I did.
Forgiveness is a gift. Only the one we have wronged can give it. It's not a gift to be taken for granted, but held tenderly and lovingly, keeping safe the heart that bore the gift not-so-easy-to bear.


Derek n' Carrie said...

Hey sara, I just wanted to tell you that even though you are hurting so bad there is hope. Someday after time has passed and you work hard, both parties, you will start to change. Your body will start to react differently to the same situations and you will have a more God-like perpective on things. I know how you feel, I feel like I've been there a hundred times before. Days where you want to blame them for everything but in turn you know you were so wrong, so out of character.
Sometimes the best way to heal is to take a break from the fight. Literally, don't feul the fire when you feel upset, explain that you need some alone time and take it before you say anything else. Go for a drive and write down all the wonderful things about your progress and look at your goals again. Pray and walk through the way you will handle the situation when you get back. This may take massive amounts of control but this is how you can retrain your mind and body to react differently than it has been patterned too.
A bishop once asked me why, it seems, do we sometimes treat the ones we love the most with the greatest disrespect and perfect strangers we treat the best?
You can't expect to be on level 10 when you and only at level 2 or 3, you know, and same with other people. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are making progress, just continue the climb, (sometimes through mud and rocks, dragging yourself with your fingernails) and one day you will be stronger and you won't feel so much hurt.
One of my good friends told me when I was going through the divorce that time really does heal all things. I never thought it would until now, looking back a couple years later and I don't think about it as much and when I do, the sting is gone and true forgiveness is in my heart because I have a more mature perspective on the way he was feeling to make him do the things he did.
I love you!! Please keep writing, I've already sent one of my good friends here to help her through her struggles. You are I inspiring, honest and so strong. God loves you so there is always hope;)
xoxo, Care

Sara said...

You are amazing Care! I love you so much and you have so much wisdom to share, so thank you for sharing it!!
While I make mistakes everyday, I do feel the hope that is there from my Savior and his atoning sacrifice!
Writing when I'm upset is something I do very often. It is a safe way to express feelings without contention and putting someone else on the defensive, so I love that you wrote that!
I hope you know how awesome you are and how loved you are too! :)

CandiShack said...

I don't know why, but I had this analogy come to my mind, and I think you will relate: when we practice a song on the piano, how many times to we make the same mistakes? Over and over and over. And if we get it right once or twice, does that mean we will never get it wrong again? No. But it probably means we will start to get it right more of the time. And sometimes when it counts the most, like in a competition, we may get that part right or we may mess it up again. The only way I know how to work out those kinds of mistakes is to SLOW it way down, work thoughtfully and deliberately, and repeat as many times as needed until it becomes second nature. Now, how do you translate that to life? I don't know. hehe. How do you 'slow it down'?

Sara said...

Haha! I like that analogy! I honestly am not sure how to slow things down...maybe, just simplify? Re-prioritize your life? Focus on the things that are most important, from a more eternal perspective?
I'm gonna think on that some more...but I love the idea! Thanks Candi! :)